I�C was made to communicate over short distances between printed circuit boards and is really a simple, 8-bit serial data bus. For the time being, it is not only PCB-mountable pressure sensors that use the I�C signal for data transfer, but also pressure sensors remote from customer electronics.
Remote sensors will often have the benefit of being less sensitive to contaminated or aggressive media and having the ability to measure directly at the process. In Distressed of sensors mounted on the circuit board, the sensor element is, oftentimes, exposed right to the medium. With remote sensors, steel or ceramic generally serve because the wetted surface.
I�C circuit
The I�C bus, alongside both supply lines, requires only two further lines:
SCL (serial clock line)
SDA (serial data line)
Additional possibilities through I�C
The I�C bus is really a well-known standard in electronics, offering additional possibilities for communication with a pressure sensor than with an analogue signal:
In the data protocol, as well as the pressure value, a temperature value and diagnostic information (for example an integrity test of the info transfer) can be transmitted with a status byte.
Underhanded could be connected to a bus line as ?slaves? to the customer electronics that functions as a ?master?.
On the client side, as opposed to the use of pressure sensors with analogue signals, the analogue-to-digital conversion of the pressure value for further signal processing is unnecessary since the pressure value is already present in digital form. This contributes to faster and easier signal processing.
Aggravate for communication could be constructed with standard components readily available on the market.
Often, I�C signal pressure sensors are also optimised to take less energy, making them ideal for battery-powered applications. In the WIKA portfolio, for instance, this applies to the MPR-1 pressure sensor module.
Boundary conditions by using I�C
Since I�C isn’t a fieldbus, long wire lengths aren’t recommended. The utmost wire length depends, at length, on the operating environment and the corresponding disturbing influences. I�C communication is best used in projects where the pressure sensor or the pressure sensor module is built-into the customer product and therefore protected against external influences. It will also be noted that with any digitally processed signal, the response time due to discrete-time sampling will undoubtedly be somewhat slower than for an analogue, continuous signal.
Your contact person will undoubtedly be happy to help you with any more questions on digital interfaces.
Distributed Intelligence
Distributed Intelligence on the integration of pressure sensors into hydraulic systems
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